The Bijlmer Euro is an experimental currency that will be launched in January 2010 in Holland. It will only circulate in the Bijlmer area of South East Amsterdam which has been described at the Dutch Bronx. The currency is based on a recycled OV RFID sticker which is placed on top of standard Euro notes. It uses the ubiquity, mobility and trust in the Euro as a vehicle for the local currency which will offer local-added-value in addition to the monetary value. The idea is that local shop keepers will be able to offer people a small discount for using the Bijlmer Euro rather than standard money. In addition, the RFID component of the money will allow local people to see how and where their money moves
in the local area and if they choose change their purchasing behaviour
to support locally sourced or locally produced goods.

The Bijlmer Euro started in January 2009 as a research project by Christian Nold, commissioned by Imagine IC to examines how trust networks function in the Bijlmer area in South East Amsterdam. As a result of the 1 month research residency a viable real currency emerged that is now being rolled out with the support of Imagine IC the Waag society and the Dutch Money Museum.

The initial aim for early 2010 is to setup a working local currency with 10 local shops and have the visulisation system functioning. The long term aim is to setup the Bijlmer Euro in conjunction with a partner local currency in Surinam which will share the same local currency and for the setting up of a co-operative Bijlmer Bank which will be able to provide extremely cheap international money transfer services.